Foiled time and time again within the typical battlefield, the bingoze are now trying to get the upperhand on a new front… THE ACID RIVER. These clever cretins know that slimps won’t dare enter the toxic waters of the acid river, but unbeknownst to them, the slimps may just have some new tricks up their sleeve as well… 

At the start of the game, you may choose to play on this NEW STAGE that features a large purple river, changing how the war plays out…

You’ll have to place a new slimp, acid baby, within the river to allow other slimps to enter the river too. Beware of new bingoze that reside within the poisonous waters, swimming their way towards your precious gunk…


  • Acid Baby: DEFINITELY not literally just lilypad from pvz…
  • Gabe: Turns basic projectiles that pass through it into random other projectiles
  • Laurence: Horfs up worms that crawl erratically, chewing and piercing through bingoze
  • Gawds: The highest form of Nubes… It spits 8 basic projectiles at once
  • Hugo: Blows the minds of all bingoze, dealing a random amount to all of them on the screen
  • Dolores: Occasionally, it takes over the mind of a random bingoze, hypnotizing them to fight on your side
  • Cheddar Brat: It occasionally grows an explosive twin, launching them forward to build a minefield of Cheddar Brat JRs. 
  • Dwindle: Exhales cigarette smoke clouds that immobilize bingoze who touch it. They’re slowed upon leaving a cloud too
  • Naruto: The latest member of the Nathan family. When it would produce gunk, it instead fills up with gunk. Click on it and it’ll release its gunk, or else it could explode if it fills up too much.
  • Throckmorton: It shoots out a draggable Throckling, which fires mini projectiles. As the horde progresses, many Throcklings will supplement your army
  • Booger: Shoots a projectile that, upon killing a bingoze, creates a big puff cloud that poisons all nearby bingoze
  • Helga: Transforms all nearby bingoze into shrimpy little wimps with no special abilities
  • The St. Louis Slammer: Love this guy… It builds up rage over time, and can be clicked to release a shockwave around it. The more raged up it is, the stronger the shockwave. The strongest shockwaves can slow and/or stun bingoze, and can even cause them to take double damage temporarily
  • Zacuum: Creates a void that sucks in bingoze towards it
  • Pucker: Blows gusts of wind at bingoze, pushing them back


  • Reinforced Bingoze: A variant of the Sheltered Bingoze. Like its predecessor, it’s immune to bomb explosions, but also has the ability to block piercing projectiles from passing through it
  • Acidic Bingoze: Exclusive to the acid river stage. It’s faster while it’s in the river and slower while it’s not
  • Diving Bingoze: Exclusive to the acid river stage. It jumps into the acid river and becomes unattackable, swimming a random distance before resurfacing
  • Deepdiving Bingoze: Exclusive to the acid river stage. It acts the same as the regular diving bingoze, but with more health
  • Flying Bingoze: They fly over almost EVERYTHING, avoiding attacks, slimps, and anything else that could impede it. Click on it to make it lose its wings and fall…
  • Kringle Bingoze (Kringoze?): This secret bingoze ONLY appears during the holiday season, holding a special gift just for you… Kill it and it’ll drop this gift, which when clicked, may either give you gunk, coins, a reroll, or um…something else heh you’ll maybe see


  • Several new Perks
  • Rather than discarding or taking a new slimp at the end of each horde to continue to the next horde, a new “READY” button must be clicked to advance the horde
  • Clicking on a slimp slot to claim a new slimp will no longer advance the horde
  • The shovel no longer becomes a trash can to discard a slimp at the end of the horde
  • Bingoze who die in explosions now visually turn into piles of ashes
  • Simba’s mega shots now have a delay before exploding, helping to hit more bingoze
  • Reworked Dick’s (and Nancy’s) horizontal explosion
  • Lil Coco’s eye-darting animation is now smoother
  • Wonderwisp ignites more frequently
  • Jack has now reached 100 possible effects
  • There is now a sound effect when placing a slimp


  • Constance is no longer invisible upon restarting
  • The Great Slimpini can no longer hypnotize another bingoze while it’s disappearing
  • Fixed pricing errors for some Perks
  • Lil Coco’s attack is now more reliable
  • Wonderwisp no longer becomes dark
  • Curly no longer gets stuck in its animation

OK now bye


SLIMPS VS BINGOZE (19).html Play in browser
74 days ago

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